
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Episode two: Agent pendejo ,The lone warrior.

According to the STTW (Somalia-To-The-World) I shall save his real identity by calling him pendejo.

"Pendejo, they've stolen my boots man!" I've said. I needed someone to sympathies with the loss; someone to understand the magnitude of what I am faced with.

- Yes I see that. Raed do you know about Somalia?

- The country? Yeah but what does that have to do with anything?

- Do you know how many people are dying there out of hunger?

- I..

I point to where the boots where last seen, I become speechless like a tennis fan, as I look at him again. Does he not understand? His words are no longer understandable, as they sound like lyrics of a song played at distance.

- What are you saying pendejo?

- Look, I understand how difficult this is for you, but in compare to Somalis who are dying out of hunger this is hardly..

- Do they eat boots? I cut him off.

- That's not what I am getting at.

- Well, what are you getting at? How does this make me happy? $hit man! Am depressed even more, Now my boots are stolen and Somalis are dying out of hunger. Listen, if we find them boots I promise we would talk some more about this.

To Be Continued...

pendejo: fool in Spanish


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