Missing: Large lake in southern Chile
Wed Jun 20, 6:44 PM ET
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - A lake in southern Chile has mysteriously disappeared, prompting speculation the ground has simply opened up and swallowed it whole.
The lake was situated in the Magallanes region in Patagonia and was fed by water, mostly from melting glaciers.
It had a surface area of between 4 and 5 hectares (10-12 acres) -- about the size of 10 soccer pitches.
"In March we patrolled the area and everything was normal ... we went again in May and to our surprise we found the lake had completely disappeared," said Juan Jose Romero, regional director of Chile's National Forestry Corporation CONAF.
"The only things left were chunks of ice on the dry lake-bed and an enormous fissure," he told Reuters.
CONAF is investigating the disappearance.
One theory is that the area was hit by an earth tremor that opened a crack in the ground which acted like a drain.
Southern Chile has been shaken by thousands of minor earth tremors this year.
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - A lake in southern Chile has mysteriously disappeared, prompting speculation the ground has simply opened up and swallowed it whole.
The lake was situated in the Magallanes region in Patagonia and was fed by water, mostly from melting glaciers.
It had a surface area of between 4 and 5 hectares (10-12 acres) -- about the size of 10 soccer pitches.
"In March we patrolled the area and everything was normal ... we went again in May and to our surprise we found the lake had completely disappeared," said Juan Jose Romero, regional director of Chile's National Forestry Corporation CONAF.
"The only things left were chunks of ice on the dry lake-bed and an enormous fissure," he told Reuters.
CONAF is investigating the disappearance.
One theory is that the area was hit by an earth tremor that opened a crack in the ground which acted like a drain.
Southern Chile has been shaken by thousands of minor earth tremors this year.
اهلا رائد.
كيف الحال.
فهمت من القصة ان ما حدث للبحيرة يمكن ان يكون بسبب زلزال ضربها فقلب عاليها سافلها وغاض الماء وانتهى من ثم كل اثر للبحيرة.
فعلا قدرة الخالق عز وجل أوسع واكبر من أن نتخيلها.
والآية الكريمة التي قدمت بها للقصة اعجازية في صياغتها وفي مضمونها.
تحياتي لك.
By Prometheus, at 2:51 PM
فهمت ... بالتمام والكمال، وكم اشتقت لتعليقك أخي في المدونة لأنك تعبر عن رأيك دون محابة وهي خصلة ندرت و عادة اندثرت.
By Raed, at 2:29 AM
سبحان الله قصه حلوه ومؤثره
يعني مشيئة الله انها تختفى مره وحده
ولايبان لها اثر
واستشهادك بالايه القرآنيه كمل موضووعك
شكرا لك
By Shaima'a Alkandari, at 1:35 PM
سبحان الله !!!
By Ra-1, at 11:29 PM
مرحبا شيماء ،
شكراً على الرد و لا أزال حائراً أيهما أشد عجبا؟ الفعل نفسه أم بلاغة القرآن؟
By Raed, at 11:35 PM
سبحان الله
مذهل الخبر
شكرا يا رائد على مشاركتنا اياه
By Anonymous, at 2:59 AM
حياج الله :) و لا حرمنا الله ردودك
By Raed, at 1:16 AM
اشكرك على هذة المدونة الرائعة
By مكتوب السعودية, at 6:20 AM
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